JAI Scrap #15 Sketch Challenge

Phew just found my SD memory card for my camera ..had taken it out for printing and then didnt put it back in. Anyway here is my LO for this months challenge over at Just Add Ink. This months challenge is from Tina who gave us this sketch to work with..

March 2013 JAI Sketch

Here is what I came up with ..as per usual my daughter is my subject for this one!



I’m not sure if you can see but I used my mat pack on the journalling doily to give me some lines to write.  Paper is Tea Time DSP and Ive used doilies, artisan kit lace, mini brads, lucky limeade bakers twine, rhinetones, Typeset alpha dies, mat pack  and stamp set is For my family.

Hope you all come and play with us this month using this fabulous sketch from Tina!

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